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15 November 2023

Written by: Esha Kode

Interested in Hosting a Screening at Your University?

On Tuesday, November 7th, MannMukti club members at The College of New Jersey organized a screening of The Price of Free; a film that chronicles the advocacy journey of Nobel Peace Laureate and 100 Million founder Kailash Satyarthi. 

MannMukti is a U.S. based non-profit organization with affiliated chapters at numerous universities across the country that focuses on destigmatizing mental health in the South Asian community. TCNJ MannMukti members collaborated with 100 Million U.S. to present the intersection of child labor and mental health in an effort to raise awareness about the global child labor crisis. 

Leading up to the screening, members of TCNJ MannMukti, with the help of the 100 Million U.S. team, conducted research and created social media posts to engage other students on-campus in the discussion surrounding children’s rights. 

childhood trauma infographic

Example of a social media post that was researched and designed by the TCNJ MannMukti and 100 Million U.S. teams.


The event started with the MannMukti E-Board giving a short presentation on the advocacy journey of Mr. Satyarthi. Morgan Keyt, 100 Million U.S. Campaign Coordinator, attended the event as a guest speaker and was able to provide students with more details regarding the work of the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation US and the 100 Million Campaign. 

During the screening, students helped themselves to some cultural snacks and beverages along with a free t-shirt that emphasized the importance of mental health!

morgan presenting

Morgan Keyt, 100 Million U.S. Programs Coordinator, presenting on KSCF and the 100 Million Campaign.


screening  leaders

Pictured from left to right: Payal Rana, Esha Kode, Srikavya Jangam, Simranjot Mann, Morgan Keyt

After the film, when asked how her view on child labor has changed or evolved, Simranjot Mann, Treasurer of TCNJ MannMukti, commented:

“Child labor is a global human rights issue, but, as consumers we have the privilege and opportunity to support organizations and brands that challenge child labor and strive to create a just society. Each child deserves their right to a free childhood. The price of freedom should not be our comfort and cheaper shopping products. As a community, let’s take initiative to practice conscious, proactive consumerism starting this holiday season!”

In addition to the screening at TCNJ, students who are part of Nova Southeastern University’s 7-year Dual Admission of Osteopathic Medicine program in Florida conducted a Price of Free screening on November 10th! 

Nitya Alaparthy, President of KPCOM Goldsmith & Breffni Society, shared:

“My eyes really opened to the mental health deficits the children face, not just during their childhood, but also in the future. The way the children trust and build relationships in the future is built on a rocky foundation and it’s so hard to see. It makes my heart warm that there are people like Kailash Satyarthi, who dedicate their lives to helping these children feel the minimum of a glimpse of feeling wanted. To add on, it’s amazing to know that the children are also taught how to best support each other and help one another thrive in any environment given. Regarding child labor, it is so unfortunate that children are still being exploited to work. You would think that with developing technology, machines would be able to do those jobs and let children just be children. I hope this documentary is something that every person takes an hour of their life to watch and appreciate. I also will be making it a goal to help support solutions to this ongoing problem no matter what stage of life I am at.”

members of KPCOM

A few members of the KPCOM Goldsmith & Breffni Society pictured.

Are you interested in hosting a screening at your local university or school?

Feel free to use our screening guide to host your own screening! Email [email protected] and our 100 Million U.S. team would be happy to support you in any we can.

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